Revisiting Existing Reasonable Accommodations

You’ve gone through the interactive process and come up with a reasonable accommodation that both you and the employee think will be effective. Are you done? Not even close. And […]

Eliminating Microaggressions and Bias in the Workplace

What is a microaggression? Can microaggressions ever rise to the level of unlawful workplace harassment? And if they aren’t acts of discrimination, why should you care? During this training, FELTG […]

Creating Inclusivity: Neurodivergence in the Workplace

Research estimates that around 1% of the population has an autism spectrum disorder, between 5-9% are estimated to have a learning disability, and just under 10% have a diagnosis of […]

Nondiscriminatory Hiring in the Federal Workplace

Hurry through the Federal hiring process, and not only are you likely to make a mistake in hiring, but you may also end up without sufficient documentation to combat a […]

Advanced EEO: Navigating Complex Issues

When EEO challenges arise, they rarely show up as run-of-the-mill simple scenarios you’ve worked through in a training class. Are you an EEO professional, attorney or advisor eager to learn how to more […]

Fundamentals of EEO: Nuts and Bolts

If you haven’t played a role in any part of the Federal EEO process, it might seem like an overwhelming mystery. This class explains, in practical terms, everything you need […]