The Role of the Douglas Factors in Arbitration

Did you know that an arbitrator, much like a Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) judge, has the authority to mitigate a penalty if it is outside the bounds of reasonableness? […]

Preparing to Bargain

Whether you’re currently preparing to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement, or if it’s a year down the road, now is always the best time to ensure that you’re ready for […]

Handling Union Requests for Information

Just about every Federal labor relations professional has dealt with a union request for information, but they may not have handled it correctly. This training will help anyone dealing with […]

Handling Grievances and Arbitration

Arbitration in the Federal government is a very different process than in the private sector, and it requires an understanding of not only the collective bargaining agreement, but also the […]

Navigating Negotiability Issues

Negotiability may be the most complex topic in Federal sector labor relations, and an understanding of which topics are negotiable, and which topics are not, is fundamental to determining the […]

Effective Negotiation Techniques and Strategies

It’s time for negotiations, and it’s critical not only that you know the current law, but that you have the right skills and know how to choose wisely your words […]

Labor Relations Meetings, Official Time, and ULPs

Not all meetings are created equally. In fact, some meetings can get your supervisors in trouble, despite their good intentions. This training will cover everything you need to know about […]