More Questions about Federal Employees Who Use Marijuana

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By Deborah Hopkins, July 17, 2019

As marijuana is legalized in more states around the U.S., the questions FELTG receives regarding marijuana use by federal employees continue to come in. (If you haven’t already, check out my first article on the topic, Can Federal Employees Smoke Pot?) Below are some recent questions sent to the FELTG question desk, and along with each answer comes the disclaimer that this article is not intended to provide legal advice, is for training purposes only, and does not create an attorney-client relationship with any of the questioners.

Question 1:

Hello and good afternoon,

I have a question about the use of marijuana by federal employees. Since its use has been cleared in Canada for all who are 18 and over, can a federal employee with the U.S. be charged for just using it there? Upon returning to work, even days after using, he/she may not pass a drug test. Technically, a federal employee in Canada is subject to Canada laws and not those of the United States, correct?

Thanks and look forward to your response,

[Name Redacted]

And our FELTG-response:

Well, that’s a creative way to look at things, but you won’t like my answer. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that because an activity is legal in a certain jurisdiction, that activity can’t be considered misconduct for the purposes of federal employee discipline. For example, in over 40 countries around the world domestic violence is legal. But if a federal employee happens to work for the State Department in Armenia, which is one of the countries that does not see domestic violence as a crime or civil infraction, that employee can still be disciplined for physically assaulting her spouse, if the agency can find a nexus between the conduct and the federal job.

Of course, we don’t even need to look at such an extreme example. Take a read of what then-OPM Director Archuleta put in a 2015 memo to agency heads, which is still true today:

Marijuana is categorized as a controlled substance under Schedule I of the Controlled Substance Act.  Thus knowing or intentional marijuana possession is illegal, even if an individual has no intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense marijuana. In addition, Executive Order 12564, Drug-Free Federal Workplace, mandates that (a) Federal employees are required to refrain from the use of illegal drugs; (b) the use of illegal drugs by Federal employees, whether on or off duty, is contrary to the efficiency of the service; and (c) persons who use illegal drugs are not suitable for Federal employment. The Executive Order emphasizes, however, that discipline is not required for employees who voluntarily seek counseling or rehabilitation and thereafter refrain from using illegal drugs … Drug involvement can raise questions about an individual’s reliability, judgment, and trustworthiness or ability or willingness to comply with laws, rules, and regulations, thus indicating his or her employment might not promote the efficiency or protect the integrity of the service.

So even if marijuana is legal in a jurisdiction (Canada, or elsewhere), it is illegal for a federal employee to use marijuana in any form – smoke, edibles, tinctures, pens, etc. – at any time, if they are employed by a federal agency. If you fail a drug test, you can probably kiss your job goodbye, even if the drug was legal where you used it. In fact, in one of the last MSPB decisions we ever got, all the way back in December 2016, the MSPB affirmed an indefinite suspension for an employee who used marijuana and whose security clearance was under review. Palafox v. Navy, 2016 MSPB 43 (December 20, 2016).

Bottom line: The federal government takes marijuana use seriously. If you want to keep your job, don’t use it anywhere, anyhow.

Question 2:

Hello, I am starting a position with the [agency redacted] soon as a [job title redacted]. I’ve used marijuana prior to this position and am thinking of continuing to do so while there. What should I take into consideration while making this decision, and what consequences can I face if I fail a drug test? The position is very low level, barely a step above intern, for context.

Thanks for the hypothetical question. Federal employees may not legally use marijuana in any form, whether recreational or medicinal. If they do, they can be removed, either for misconduct or for suitability reasons. And if you’re a probationer, you won’t even get to the conduct or suitability question – you’ll just be out. You need to realize the risk you are taking if you choose to violate this federal statute.

While job level and type is a Douglas factor, when the misconduct violates a federal statute, the weight of the offense carries far more significance than the level of job you hold. (By the way, probationers don’t even get the benefit of a Douglas-justification in removals for marijuana use.)

Question 3:

Can you work for the federal government and still use medical marijuana?

Sure you can. Until you get caught, that is, and then you can be removed because it is illegal to use marijuana while you are a federal employee.

No matter how many different ways you ask the question, my answer is going to be the same. Unless and until Congress passes a law that says marijuana is not illegal, federal employees should just say no.